Tuesday, May 18, 2010


For The People You Know
  • Leave a snack for an unsuspecting co-worker or friend.

  • Give a friend your favorite inspirational book with a personal note attached.

  • Connect two friends who had not previously met each other.

  • Share an inspirational story from today's news.

  • Make a lunch for someone and slip a joke in it.

  • Write positive notes about your family or friends and share them.

  • Help someone with a chore, unexpectedly.

  • Do a 'dance of joy' for someone close to you.

  • Using crayons, make your own card for someone you love.

  • Write a song, poem or a note for a loved one.

  • Get in touch with an old friend who you'd like to reconnect with.

  • Write a thank you note to a teacher who inspired you.

  • Call a mentor to say thank you.

For The People Those Unknown

  • Hide spare change where a stranger will find it within the hour.

  • Tell a public service employee how valuable they are.

  • Play the role of doorman for 15 minutes.

  • Strike up a conversation with someone who looks like they need a friend.

  • Buy bottles of water and hand them to passers-bys with a smile.

  • Pay for the person behind you in line.

  • Acknowledge an act of kindness by someone else and thank them.

  • Donate your favorite book to the nearest library with a note inside on why you love it!

  • Strike up a conversation with an elderly person.

  • Knock on 10 doors and give them a snack-- reverse trick-or-treat!

  • Create 5 cards with positive messages and leave them in a coffee shop for someone to discover.

  • Pick someone unknown around you, make them smile at any cost.

  • Hug the first 5 people you see!

For Our World
  • Research the most eco-friendly materials for clothing and personal care and share them with your friends.

  • Clean up litter on your block.

  • Send a thank you note to a person or business helping the world.

  • Go to the nearest park and clean up as much as you can!

  • Find 3 stories of earth-friendly people and share them.

  • Call an animal shelter and donate at least one item they need.

  • Stand outside a supermarket and give people reusable shopping bags.

  • Hand out long-life light bulbs to those around you.

  • Give an eco-friendly gift to at least 1 neighbor.

  • Plant a fruit tree where it will thrive.

  • Green your food! Cook a locally grown, organic, or vegetarian meal for your friends.

  • Hug a tree in public, inspire another to do the same.

Tips For Yourself

  • Play sports with people you don't know in the park.

  • Write a list of what you are grateful for RIGHT NOW and share with friends.

  • Smile! And say hello to 5 strangers.

  • Offer inspiring reading to someone in the room.

  • Post a list of random kind acts in a public place.

  • Learn a statement of gratitude in another language and share it.

  • Leave flowers on the doorstep of someone you don't know and run!

  • Use physical comedy or your wit to be funny and laugh with the group

  • Pay for an unknown person's meal anonymously.

  • Give away something important to you.

  • Hand out balloons to kids while skipping around in public!

  • Close your eyes and practice absolute silence for 15 minutes.

  • Give away one of your possessions RIGHT NOW
  • Make and post signs with tips to reduce water use.

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