Thursday, December 2, 2010

Six steps to protect your computer

1. Turn on automatic updates. After installing your operating system, you usually forget to pay attention on operating system updates. If your operating system is not updated for protection against loopholes and security threats found after you installed it, your computer may be vulnerable to outside world. Hackers can get access to your computer by using these loopholes and they can do anything with your computer. So, to keep you safe, turn on automatic updates. When automatic updates are turned on your operating system is updated frequently and you will be safe from unwanted trouble. You can turn on automatic updates from Control Panel => Security Center => Automatic Updates. You must be logged in as Administrator to change this setting.

2. Turn on Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall is a barrier between your computer and outside Internet. It protects you by filtering incoming and outgoing traffic and allows only trusted programs to communicate through Internet. You can turn on Windows Firewall from Control Panel => Windows Firewall. You must be logged in as Administrator to change this setting.

3. Install good anti-virus software. Anti-virus software protects your computer from viruses that can damage your computer. Only installing anti-virus software is not enough. Your anti-virus software must be updated regularly with latest virus definition database, as new viruses are found daily.

4. Run windows in a restricted mode. When you log in using a limited account, you are protecting your computer from various threats, as limited account runs in restricted mode and can not damage your computer by changing system files or registry. In fact, limited account can not install new programs and can not write to system files or registry, thus making you safe from unwanted programs which gets installed automatically from Internet without your knowledge. Log in as Administrator only when you want to do some maintenance work or install new programs.

5. Do NOT click on untrusted links. You should not click any link received in your email, unless you trust the sender. If you click on this untrusted links, it can take you to fake websites and can steal your user name, password, credit card details, or can install unwanted programs without your knowledge. Instead of clicking on the link you received in your email, copy the link address and paste it in a new browser window. Before writing your user name, password, credit card and any other personal details, recheck the domain name in address bar.

6. Do NOT write in pop up windows. You should write your user name, password, credit card and any other personal details in main window only. If during your work, any pop up window opens asking your password or credit card details, close it immediately. DO NOT write your personal information in any pop up window.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

10 Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job

Do you get into the office without a plan of action for the day? Are you not being rewarded for your efforts? Does your boss often pull you down and embarrass you in front of colleagues?
If any or all of these ring true, it might be time to shake things up.
Here are 10 signs that could indicate that it’s time for you to move on – either from your current job function or from your organization – to other adventures.
1. Social networking but not working
Are Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter taking up more of your working day than preparing that PowerPoint presentation? If your company doesn’t allow access to these sites, perhaps your energies are focused on finding proxy sites which allow you to access sites that have been blocked by your company.
Or, do you simply dread coming to office and wait for the day to end quickly?
If this happens some days a week, then maybe you simply need a holiday. “But if one spends more than a month populating Farmville on Facebook, then yes, it’s stagnation and you need to move on,” says Purvi Sheth, chief executive officer of Mumbai management consulting firm Shilpusti Consultants.
2. Been there, done that
If your job has become so routine or monotonous that you can do most of it without thinking much, what are you doing in it? Essentially, you are not learning much or growing in that role, so you won’t be able to stay motivated for long. “Careers are not ponds, they are streams; they have got to be going somewhere from somewhere,” says Dony Kuriakose, director of Delhi-based recruitment firm Edge Executive Search Pvt. Ltd. “If you’re not moving, you’re dead in the water.”
Remember that if you have become too complacent and start taking the company for granted, your employer will soon recognize that, putting your role in jeopardy.
3. Not challenged enough
This is related to the point above. But if you feel that your organization is not giving you the right exposure or a challenging enough position, you could end up becoming very frustrated. “Take the initiative of engaging with (your) employer and…ask for more responsibilities,” says Pankaj Arora, managing director of Protiviti Consulting Pvt. Ltd, a business consulting and audit firm. If that doesn’t work, look for challenges elsewhere within or outside your organization.
4. Unmet goals
You want to become a team leader or a business head but your employer is moving you around into different departments without really promoting you. “It is time for you to move on when you feel your career objectives are not being met or fulfilled by your employer,” says Ms. Sheth.
5. Too big for your shoes
You were good at your first job, so you were promoted to the next level and the next level and so on. But now you have reached a position which is too much for you to handle. This is popularly referred to as the Peter Principle which states that in a hierarchy, employees rise to a level of their incompetence.
Either you need to re-skill and reinvent yourself pretty quickly to survive in that role or you need to move into another position which is a better fit for you.
6. Closed to change
Today’s organizations are nimble on their feet and are often changing their processes or businesses to meet delivery and cost pressures. If you can’t handle that change because you are too set in your ways, you could end up getting left behind. Or, maybe you don’t agree with your organization’s changes at a philosophical or an ethical level. “There are certain reasons why you work at a place and there are certain things that enthuse you,” says Mr. Kuriakose. “If those core issues change and you suddenly find that you’re working for a place that you wouldn’t have joined” it might be time to rethink.
7. Politics over mechanics
Every organization has politics and it’s smart to keep on top of major changes as well as the movers and shakers of your organization. But if your professional relationships at work have become so entangled and complicated that they are keeping you from your work, that’s a problem. Don’t let politics become more important to you than the mechanics of your job.
8. You’ve been overlooked — again
Are your batch mates from school and college more successful than you are? Or is your company promoting people with less experience and fewer achievements above you? Figure out why that is happening. If they’re working harder and are smarter than you, then consider adding to whatever skills are keeping you from that next job. But if your company is overlooking you, then it might be time to go where you get more recognition.
9. Don’t want your boss’s job?
We typically envy our bosses not only for their higher salaries but also for the responsibility and authority they command. But if you don’t aspire to be in your boss’s position at some time in the future, then it’s time to look around and reconsider your career plans. You can’t stay in your current position forever. Not everyone has to be the top dog, but a career path that promises advancement and satisfaction is a good road to be on.
10. Evil thoughts about your boss?
Ok, so all of us have some evil thoughts about our bosses every now and then. That’s normal. If you hate him or her as a person, deal with it. But if your professional relationship is troubled, then you have a problem. “You have to work with all kinds of people,” says Mr. Kuriakose. However, a boss who is always pulling you down, and maybe embarrassing you in front of colleagues, could be harmful for your morale and progress. Time for some introspection and perhaps an exit strategy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dr Tathagat Tulsi, 22, becomes Professor Tulsi at IIT Bombay

He completed high school at the age of 9, had a B.Sc at 10, an M.Sc in Physics at 12, and a PhD in Quantum Computing from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, at 21. In 2003, Time named him among the world's seven most gifted youngsters. Now, at age 22, Patna-born prodigy Tathagat Avtar Tulsi has become possibly the youngest assistant professor at IIT.
Tulsi will teach Physics at IIT Bombay from July 19, having chosen the institute over Waterloo University, Canada, and the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER), Bhopal, both of which had offered him jobs.
"I turned down Waterloo despite an impressive pay package because I do not want to go abroad now," Tulsi told The Indian Express over the phone from Patna. "My dream is to set up a lab focused on quantum computation in India, and one day help develop a largescale quantum computation-based supercomputer. IIT Bombay offers me these possibilities."
IIT Bombay confirmed that Tulsi is set to join its faculty. In an appointment letter sent on June 30, IIT Bombay Director Prof Devang V Khakar informed Tulsi that the institute's Board of Governors was pleased to offer him assistant professorship on contract at the Department of Physics.
Hailed early as a wonder boy, Tulsi suffered humiliation in August 2001 when a delegation of scientists taken by the Department of Science & Technology to Lindau in Germany for an interaction with Nobel laureates, suggested that he was a "fake prodigy" who had "mugged up" jargon which he spouted unthinkingly.
A hurt Tulsi went into a shell for several years. He returned to news this February after he became the youngest holder of a PhD in India.
"Back then it hurt a lot. But I have put the humiliation behind me, and now feel that I have achieved something. I am very happy to join an IIT as faculty. I am looking forward to teaching and research," Tulsi said.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


* Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
* Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
* Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
* You can only go as far as you push.
* Actions speak louder than words.
* The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
* Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff.
* Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.
* A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
* If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else.
* When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
* True friendship never ends.
* Friends are forever.
* Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
* Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
* What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
* Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

Monday, June 14, 2010


"A light shines on me,
Sun... brilliantly bright,
But I'm not blinded,
More toward an eternal happiness,

My friends play to astonish,
My mind plays along,
The time passes but not friendly,
Another kind of eternal,

One moment wished to never end,
Forever they remain a close friend,
Something I will fight to defend,
Just to never lose them... "

Till the very end

"Me and you best friends

till the end

always bend never brake

nothing that would ever take (that away)

Don't even have to try

nothing that would make it die

we've been through it all

even if it will fall

we will pick it back up

so yupp

i love you

and i just hope that you love me too "

My beloved

"Forever together
you and i
together we stand
together we cry
throughout life
until the sands of the last beach
washes away with the tides

we will always be near close to eachother,
year after year
we bring eachother hope and happiness
guidance and faith
through the steady and rage

i hope you can see that with you
i will remain truely happy
love foresees all who desire it

there are no decieving lies, mixed thoughts,
or things to hide.
we remain open and true to our words
our laughs
and our smiles.

together we can travel on the thick, twisting, miles."